martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


So today I'm going to be introducing myself I guess? So to start off my name is Sophie. I like to sleep. Well what can I say about myself? I am really excited about this blog, it is not the first time I've started a blog but I feel this time I'll persevere. I'm at a pretty good point in my life and even though I do have problems I'm feeling good most of the time. I started this blog to get somethings out. I want to become a writer and I guess I could just write about my really awkward life and see if anyone finds it interesting. So this is how everything goes in my mind about things:
        A) I don't care
        B) I have a really strong opinion about it.
And option B) is the reason why I opened this blog to express those opinions and if I offend someone with those opinions then I'm sorry.

So before I go on and give you guys a list of things you should know about me I'm going to tell you how this thing will go. I'll be posting once a week I promise, if not I'll be telling you guys before and posting the post that will belong to the week I won't post before. Every week I'll put at the end a little thing were I say things I'm currently obsessed about like music or a book or a TV show or a movie or a quote or a video or something.

So lets go on and I'll just tell you the basics:

  • I'm an internet adict I can spend ages in YouTube or tumblr. 
  • I'm not a girly-girl I'm more of a jeans and baggy-shirt kind of girl
  • I want to travel all over the world 
  • I have no idea of what I want to do with my life
  • I'm SUPER random
  • I love sweets
  • Fall is my favourite season! 
  • My birthday is the 22nd of July
  • I do have lots of friends but just a very tiny small bunch of them I really consider close
  • I have trust issues
  • I'm quite short
  • My favourite colour is red
  • My favourite animal is a dragon-panda-unicorn hybrid
  • If I feel interest in something I look into it
  • I consider myself as a smart person who can have an eloquent conversation
  • I get along better with adults than with people my age or close to my age
  • I love little kids they're SO cute
  • I love cloudy and rainy cold days
  • I'm not that interested in boys right now because I just see all my friends stress out over having a boyfriend and liking someone so I'll rather stay away from that and enjoy being young
  • I don't go out that much
  • I'm obsessed with TV Shows
  • I LOVE to read
  • I have a huge crush over Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Comberbatch
Bye! Have a lovely day!

I've been currently loving Lorde she's and indie music artist from New Zealand and she's 16 years-old. I love her sound because it's just SO different from everything else in the radio right now. It's like a mix of like Lana Del Rey and Florence + The Machine and like I can feel  a bit of Marina and The Diamonds in some songs. But check her out she is amazing, and don't judge her for what she's said about like Miley Cyrus or Selena Gomez but rather as an artist because she is great,

And I've been loving EllaGrace in YouTube she isn't a huge YouTuber but she is really funny and deserves so many more subscribers

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