lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013



So today I wanted to talk about changes and changing. So lately I've been through lots of changes and I wanted to share my point of view on the topic of changing.

I think change is GOOD. Changing is amazing. I believe that change is a fundimental part in the process of growing and learning because when you grow and you learn you have different points of view about things, it can be as simple as music, but it also could be about yourself, or someone else.  I look back at myself and how I was 1 year ago and I can see I've changed a lot, but I also can look back to myself 1 month ago and I can see changes.

I do feel that us, people, we don't like to let go or to say goodbye. But I feel that sometimes that goodbye is for the best, accepting you've changed and embracing that change can lead you to endless possibililities. By accepting that you changed your opinion about something or that you've changed as a person can help you find new people. For example: Lets say that I change and now I like a different kind of music, lets say that I liked R&B but now I like Alternative more. I can start talking to someone that likes Alternative music too and who knows, we may have more than that thing in common and we may end up as really good friends. Or lets say that by liking one Alternative group I find more artists I like too.

But it could be way bigger than just music tastes. Lets say that you changed and you start to hang out with other people. That will be very different than maybe your old friends.

Saying all of that I did wanted to say something else. Lets say that I am bored and I want to change. It doesn't necesarily mean that I have to have a make-over. I came to the conclusion that to change you have to try new things and to not be afraid.

But there is also a different kind of change and that is other people changing. I am seeing how my friends change. I see them coming closer and growing distant. I will tell you that seeing others change is a whole other deal, you see them moving on and it can hurt because you are loosing them in some level. But just a little piece of advice: Let them be.

Personally I suck at seeing things and people going away, but I do understand that I have to learn to let things go. See, I have a problem, I always set all my hopes too high, and when it comes to seeing them ruined I kind of say 'Okay, it's gone. Get over it' But a part of me holds on to them. Sometimes it is good but sometimes it is really bad. But I know that in the end everyting I have and everyone I know will go away.

So to close this what I'm basically saying is that: Change is great, to change you have to not be afraid of new stuff, people change and go away and it hurts, but we have to learn to let things go.

One last little thing: Change for yourself and NEVER change for other people.

Bye! Have a lovely day!

So Happy Halloween because it is Halloween Week and for my favourites I will just tell you that my favorite halloween movies are Hocus Pocus and The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Also NaNoWriMo is starting in Friday so good luck to everyone participating!

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